Next, you have to go to the Automap Software and go to the “Mixer/Plug-in Mappings” tab in Automap and see if IL Gross Beat shows up as a map. Then you must restart Ableton, select the plug-in from the plug-in list (making sure you use the “Automap” version of the plug-in) and apply it to your desired channel. What you must do is install the Automap software, selecting the “IL Gross Beat” software, and set your preferences within Ableton to recognize both the Launchpad and the Automap MIDI information. To be able to get to where the Novation Automap Software actually creates an Automap for Gross Beat within Ableton takes some unintuitive manipulation with very little guidance or support from the Automap or Launchpad Manual. S TEP 1 – Getting Novation Automap Software to Recognize Gross Beat within Ableton: We need to get to the Automap interface to allow us to edit the controls for Gross Beat.
The following tutorial will demonstrate how to utilize the Launchpad to trigger up to 32 Time Slots and 32 Volume Slots as well as the Hold button in Gross Beat within Ableton Live 8.
I had a tough time getting this straight since Gross Beat is the first plug-in that I tried the Novation Automap software (version 4.6 for Windows) with in connection with the Launchpad, and if anyone has a better suggestion for doing this or how to improve it, please let me know.